Aristotle once said “Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, the whole aim and the end of human existence” – a sentiment that is still true today. While Aristotle had a philosophical notion of the importance of happiness for human well-being.
Scientific studies have begun to reveal a host of physical health benefits surrounding happiness including a stronger immune system, stronger resilience in the face of stress, a stronger heart and less risk of cardiovascular disease, alongside quicker recovery times when overcoming illness or surgery. There is even a body of research that indicates being happy may help us to live longer lives.
When we see so much negativity across all media platforms at the moment it may be even more challenging to practice happiness, so in this blog, I offer a few tips towards happiness.
- Focus on problem-solving, not just venting
- Take time to build quality relationships with supportive people
- Count your blessings and practice gratitude
- Take time to engage in random acts of kindness
- Respond actively and constructively, celebrating when others share the good news with you
- Attend to others mindfully, and practice compassion and empathy
- Be kind to yourself, rather than overly self-critical or perfectionistic
- Savour experiences because this will intensify and prolong your enjoyment of them
- Set meaningful goals for yourself that provide structure and purpose, give a sense of identity and increase self-esteem
- Build intrinsic motivation, rather than just relying upon doing things to please others
- Seek healthy challenges, stretching your abilities just a bit beyond your comfort zone to realize your potential
- Appreciate what you already have rather than focusing only on what you still desire
- Avoid the temptation to complain and reinforce negativity; instead, cultivate optimism and practice positively reframing your circumstances
I specialise in helping people who carry the emotional baggage which prevents the achievement of goals and objectives, both personal and professional. Additionally, Hypnosis allows helping clients who have irrational fears and phobias which cause difficulty in life. I am a licenced practitioner of the revolutionary Hypnoband Weight Loss System which fits virtual gastric bands, to clients who really struggle to lose weight.
For a free of initial charge, chat contact me at my website, where you will also see a lot more of what I offer.