1. Company Information and Contact Details

    2. Membership Details

    Please tick as applicable. Full terms & conditions available upon request

    3. Trade References

    4. Last but not least...

    We use GoCardless to collect our monthly subscriptions, you will be sent a link to set up a direct debit for us to collect the monthly invoice totals.

    I will give the group(s) my upmost support. I will positively promote Derby Hub, invite guests and contribute wherever possible. I understand that members will be notified of my application and asked if there are any confidential objections. I have read and I agree to the terms and conditions"]

    5. Comments and Suggestions

    Derby Hub is Not for Profit organisation set up as a Company Limited by Guarantee.
    Company number: 7726352
    Registered Office: 1 St James Court, Friar Gate, Derby, DE1 1BT.

    VAT: We are not currently VAT registered