The numerous restrictions associated with the Coronavirus pandemic has presented many businesses and individuals with new challenges. As we begin to rebuild the economy in the UK, companies will be looking to re-start their marketing and win some much-needed work.
At Koobr, we aim to provide clients with a tailored marketing strategy that fits their needs and goals, rather than a one-size-fits-all approach. So, if you’ve come looking for generic suggestions about what types of activity might or might not work, you won’t find it here!
Instead, we’re sharing 6 ways to change the way you think about your marketing activity, before you’ve even started.
1. Positivity
Try not to view the current restrictions as a barrier. Instead, turn your challenges into opportunities, even if it only turns out to be a learning exercise.
You can still achieve everything you want to, but it might be that you go about it a different way, or it takes a little longer than anticipated. As long as you keep your goal in mind at all times, you will always be working towards it.
Look at what you can do, rather than what you can’t.
2. Understand, don’t assume
Empathising with your audience and showing them that you understand their challenges will help you begin to build their trust.
Sharing messages of support and demonstrating ways you can solve problems will give you a far better chance at doing business than forcing an unnecessary sale.
Whilst the economy is in recovery, consumers are looking for ways to save time and money, so listen to what they need before taking action.
3. Don’t give up
Being tenacious is fundamental if your marketing is going to succeed. If your activity is regular and consistent, you will eventually build up enough brand awareness and trust to start being noticed, so try not to feel disappointed if things don’t happen overnight.
Aim for creativity with your content as well, so that your output isn’t monotonous. Use alternative key words and a tone of voice that reflects your company’s personality. If you need to, enlist a professional to help you with your visual identity to help increase engagement.
4. Do give back
Consider what you are willing to give your customers as a ‘thank you’ for choosing to work with you. Incentive-driven marketing is a good way to attract attention, even if you can only commit to something small.
Showing that you have more to offer than your competitors will prove to your customers how much they mean to you.
5. Have a plan
Make yourself accountable for your own success. A written plan will help you to refer back to make sure you are doing what you promised yourself. It will also help to look back and understand what has experienced the most engagement.
Begin with some research into your target audience and what activity is most likely to reach them. Research is a huge part of your plan, and you’ve got off to a great start by reading this article!
6. Variety
Think about how your marketing content is being received by your audience. They don’t want to be reading the same thing over and over. Variety makes everything much more interesting, so adopt this strategy when you plan your activity.
You should also think about using a mixture of different content types, such as text, images, videos, GIFs, links and even emojis where appropriate.
What next?
If you’re ready to take the next step, it’s time to start planning your marketing activity.
Need some help? At Koobr, we’re experts at this stuff! Contact us to find out how we can support you.